How to Say I Agree in French: 35 Useful Ways (with Audio)

Wondering how to say I agree in French?

Then, you’re in the right place.

I studied French for more than six years, I’m completely fluent, and I know how to use the language effectively. Not only that but because I live in France, I’m current on the types of expressions used in everyday life.

And, today, I want to share with you the most useful ways of saying “I agree” in French.

Whether you’re looking to express agreement in an informal or formal setting, I’ve got you covered. In this article, I’ll teach you everything you need to know so that you can confidently engage with a native speaker in any scenario.

How to Say I Agree in French
I Agree in French

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35 Ways to Say I Agree in French

Expressing agreement is an important part of any conversation. Fortunately, saying “I agree” in French isn’t as difficult as it may seem!

Below I’ll cover 35 different ways to state your approval. From simple statements like “exactement” to longer phrases such as “Je suis d’accord,” it’s a complete list that you’ll be able to use in any setting.

So, let’s dive in!

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1. Je suis d’accord

Je suis d'accord is one of the most common ways to say I agree in French
Je suis d’accord

Pronunciation: juh swee da-core

“Je suis d’accord” is one of the most common expressions in French to convey agreement. It translates to “I am in agreement,” and it can be used formally or informally depending on the context.

It’s often followed by a phrase to convey how much you agree.

I’ll cover some of these in the following examples.

2. Oui, je suis d’accord

Pronunciation: wee juh swee da-core

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“Oui, je suis d’accord” has the same underlying meaning as “Je suis d’accord.” And by adding “oui,” or “yes,” before the phrase “Je suis d’accord,” you’re showing that you affirmatively agree with someone.

It’s somewhat stronger than saying “Je suis d’accord,” and can be used in any context.

3. Je suis d’accord avec toi (vous)

Pronunciation: juh swee da-core ah-vec twa (voo)

“Je suis d’accord avec toi” is an informal way to show that you agree with one single person. It means “I am in agreement with you.”

If you want to say the same phrase, but in a formal setting, then you would use the phrase “Je suis d’accord avec vous.”

By using this expression, you are making it clear that you agree with someone’s opinion.

Useful Tip: “Vous” is a formal way to say “you” in French.

4. Oui, c’est vrai, je suis d’accord avec toi (vous)

Pronunciation: wee say vray juh swee da-core ah-vec twa (voo)

“Oui, c’est vrai, je suis d’accord avec toi” is a great way to show agreement with someone in a friendly way. This phrase means “Yes, it’s true, I agree with you,” and expresses your solidarity with a person you know well.

If you want to say the same phrase to someone you don’t know then you would say, “Oui c’est vrai, je suis d’accord avec vous.”

Compared to “Je suis d’accord avec toi (vous),” adding “oui, c’est vrai” implies that you also accept the other person’s opinion.

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5. Je suis entièrement d’accord

Pronunciation: juh sweez un-tier-man da-core

“Je suis entièrement d’accord” is a powerful expression that conveys total agreement. It translates to “I am entirely in agreement,” and it’s often used to show strong approval of someone’s statement.

In general, it’s more formal than simply using “Je suis d’accord,” but you can still use it in informal situations.

6. Je suis totalement d’accord

Je suis totalement d'accord is a phrase that say I am in total agreement
Je suis totalement d’accord

Pronunciation: juh swee to-tal-man da-core

“Je suis totalement d’accord” is another way to say “Je suis entièrement d’accord.” It translates to “I am in total agreement.”

Whenever you want to show an unwavering level of agreement, either one of these statements will work.

7. Je suis tout à fait d’accord

Pronunciation: juh swee toot-a-feh da-core

The phrase “Je suis tout à fait d’accord” is an excellent way to communicate a strong level of agreement. It means “I am in complete agreement.” This phrase conveys total agreement with whatever was said, making it perfect for formal situations.

But I’ve also used it in informal settings with colleagues and friends. So, while it is a formal-ish phrase, it can also be used when you’re having a serious discussion with a friend.

Useful Tip: Having a translation app on your phone is very helpful, especially in the beginning.

8. Je suis d’accord avec cette déclaration

Pronunciation: juh swee da-core ah-vec set day-clare-ah-syon

“Je suis d’accord avec cette déclaration” is a very formal way to show that you understand and accept the statement that was made. In English, it means “I am in agreement with this declaration.”

It’s an academic phrase that is used in serious discussions around topics like politics and economics. And you would almost never use it in a friendly conversation.

9. Je suis d’accord avec cette opinion

Pronunciation: juh swee da-core ah-vec set oh-peen-on

Using “Je suis d’accord avec cette opinion” is a formal way to say you agree with someone’s opinion. The literal translation is “I am in agreement with this opinion.”

It is often used in academic settings or when discussing serious topics, as it expresses an unwavering level of agreement.

10. Je suis à cent pour cent d’accord avec toi (vous)

Pronunciation: juh sweez ah son pour son da-core ah-vec twa (voo)

“Je suis à cent pour cent d’accord avec toi” translates to “I am one hundred percent in agreement with you.” It’s an excellent way to show a strong level of agreement with someone you know.

If you want to express the same sentiment with someone who you don’t know well, then you would use “Je suis à cent pour cent d’accord avec vous.”

11. Je suis de votre avis

Pronunciation: juh swee du vo-truh ah-vee

“Je suis de votre avis” is a polite and professional way of expressing agreement in French. It is often used in academic or formal settings to show an unwavering level of agreement with someone’s opinion or statement. The literal translation is “I am of your opinion.”

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12. Je suis de ton avis

Je suis de ton avis is an informal way to agree with someone in French
Je suis de ton avis

Pronunciation: juh swee du ton ah-vee

“Je suis de ton avis” is the informal version of “Je suis de votre avis.” The meaning is the same, but, in this example, it’s only for people who are close to you, such as friends and family.

13. J’accepte

Pronunciation: jaq-sept

“J’accepte” is a useful French phrase for showing agreement in formal and informal settings. It translates to “I accept” and is often followed by an action to do something.

For example, you could say, “J’accepte d’aller aider mon frère à déménager,” which means “I accept to go and help my brother move.”

14. J’accepte avec plaisir

Pronunciation: jaq-sept ah-vec pleh-seer

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“J’accepte avec plaisir” is a great way to enthusiastically express agreement in French. It translates to “I accept with pleasure,” or more subtly, “I accept with joy.” This phrase is often used when someone has asked you to do something. And by responding with “J’accepte avec plaisir,” it means that you are happy to take on the task.

Useful Tip: As a standalone phrase, “avec plaisir” can also mean “you are welcome” in French.

15. J’admets que

Pronunciation: jah-d-may kuh

“J’admets que” translates to “I admit that” and it is used to express a higher level of agreement than simply saying “Je suis d’accord.”

The phrase, as written, is, actually, incomplete. You’ll need to follow it with whatever you have to admit to.

For example, you could say, “J’admets que tu as raison” or “J’admets que vous avez raison.” Both expressions mean “I admit that you are right.”

Useful Tip: If you are in an argument and someone admits that you are right, it’s always polite to use one of the many forms of “thank you” in French.

16. Je donne mon approbation

Pronunciation: juh done moh-ne a-pro-ba-syon

If you want a more sophisticated way to say “I agree” in French, then “Je donne mon approbation” will do the trick. This phrase translates to “I give my approval” and can be used to express agreement with someone’s opinion or decision. It is especially useful in formal settings, such as in meetings or negotiations.

For example, you might say “Je donne mon approbation à la décision du chef,” which means “I give my approval to the boss’s decision.”

17. J’approuve

J'approuve shows approval of someone's opinion in French

Pronunciation: jah-prove

“J’approuve” is a great way to express agreement in French, as it conveys a certain level of approval and acceptance. This phrase can be used when someone has made a decision or expressed an opinion that you want to show support for.

Since it translates to “I approve,” you wouldn’t want to use this phrase in a situation where you don’t entirely agree.

18. Je conviens

Pronunciation: juh kuhn-vee-nee-uhnt

“Je conviens” is another way to say “Je suis d’accord.” This expression means “I agree” and is used mainly in formal settings.

It’s often followed by a statement that confirms what you agree with.

For example, you might say “Je conviens de votre point de vue,” which means “I agree with your point of view.”

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19. Cela me convient

Pronunciation: sell-la meh kuhn-vee-nee-uhnt

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“Cela me convenient” is a great way to express agreement in French. This phrase translates to “this suits me” and can be used when someone has said something that you want to show support for.

It conveys the same level of approval and acceptance as the phrase “Je conviens.”

20. Ça me va

Pronunciation: sah meh va

“Ça me va” is an informal way to say “cela me convenient.” It can be used in situations when you agree with a friend’s or family member’s opinion.

The literal translation is “it goes for me,” but means “it works for me.”

21. C’est bon pour moi

Pronunciation: say bohn pour mwa

“C’est bon pour moi” is an excellent way to express agreement in French, especially when speaking with friends and family. It conveys the same level of approval and acceptance as other phrases such as “Je suis d’accord,” but in an informal context.

It means “It’s good for me,” and rarely requires further discussion.

22. Ça marche

Ca marche is a friendly and informal way to agree with someone in French
Ça marche

Pronunciation: sa-march

“Ça marche” is like “c’est bon pour moi” or “ça me va.” It translates to “it works,” and is meant to be a short response to show your agreement.

It’s informal but you can use it at the office with people you know.

As an example, I used this phrase with my boss, but only after I had been at the company for a few months. And, if you plan on moving to France, you’ll need to know how and when you can use phrases like “ça marche” as well. It’s an important part of the culture.

23. Moi aussi

Pronunciation: mwa oh-see

“Moi aussi” is an incredibly useful way to say “I agree” in French. It translates to “me too,” and can be used to show your agreement with something someone has said or suggested.

It is informal, so it should only be used when speaking with close friends, family, or colleagues you are well acquainted with.

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24. Tout à fait

Pronunciation: toot-a-fay

“Tout à fait” is an excellent way to show that you completely agree. In English, it means “completely,” “entirely,” or “absolutely.” It’s informal yet polite, so you can use it in a variety of situations.

Of the phrases on this list, I use this one the most often. It’s short and shows you’re polite without being overly formal.

25. Tu as raison

Pronunciation: too ah ray-zon

“Tu as raison” is one of the most common ways to express agreement in French. It translates to “you’re right,” and conveys a level of respect for the other person’s opinion.

This phrase is commonly used among family and close friends and should not be used in a formal setting.

26. Vous avez raison

Pronunciation: vooz-ah-vay ray-zon

“Vous avez raison” is the formal version of “Tu as raison.”

Both have the same English translation, but, in this case, you wouldn’t say “vous avez raison” to someone you know.

Useful Tip: If you want to adapt to the French style of working, this is a good phrase to know.

27. Très bien

Pronunciation: treh-be-unh

“Très bien” is an incredibly versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of scenarios. While it translates to “very good” or “excellent,” in this context, it’s used to show agreement.

It’s perfect for both informal and formal settings. So, if you’re not sure and the other phrases are too difficult, this is a good one to use.

28. Bien sûr

Bien sur shoes that you clearly agree with what was said
Bien sûr

Pronunciation: be-unh sure

“Bien sûr” is another easy phrase to use when you want to show that you agree. It translates to “of course,” and conveys a sense of understanding and respect for the other person’s opinion.

It isn’t as formal as “Je suis d’accord avec vous,” but it can still be used when speaking in professional settings.

29. Bien entendu

Pronunciation: be-unh-an-tan-du

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“Bien entendu” shows that you not only agree, but you understood what was said. It shows respect for the other person’s opinion.

The literal translation is “well heard,” but means “well understood.”

It can be used in various settings but be careful. If you don’t understand what someone has said, you shouldn’t use this phrase.

For example, if your boss asks you to do something and you respond, “bien entendu,” they will assume you know what to do.

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30. En effet

Pronunciation: un-nay-feh

“En effect” is a great way to say “I agree” in French, and it’s perfect for both formal and informal settings.

It translates to “in effect,” but that’s not the real meaning. In fact, it’s a subtle way of saying, “Yes, you’re right.”

31. C’est ça

Pronunciation: say-sah

“C’est ça” is used to say “I agree” in a confident, yet respectful manner. The phrase translates to “that’s it” or “that’s right,” and implies that you have understood what was said. It can be used in both casual and formal settings, but it’s more appropriate in informal conversations.

I, actually, use this phrase all the time with friends and colleagues that I know. It’s easy to remember and not difficult to pronounce.

32. Absolument

Pronunciation: ab-so-lu-man

Absolument is a great way to show agreement in both formal and informal settings. The phrase translates to “absolutely,” and implies that you strongly agree with the other person.

Since it has such an intense meaning, you shouldn’t use this expression lightly.

33. Carrément

Pronunciation: carry-man

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Carrément is an expression that has a very positive connotation. Not only that but it’s one of the most used expressions to say, “I agree.”

In English, it translates as “clearly” or “definitely.”

If you want to show off your language skills to your French friends, “carrément” will do just that. In fact, it’s worth traveling to France just to try it out!

34. Exactement

Pronunciation: ég-zak-toe-man

“Exactement” is an expression that can be used in several scenarios. It is a subtle yet strong way of saying “Yes, you are right,” even though it translates to “exactly.”

Useful Tip: “Exactement” can also be used to say “yes” in French.

35. Ben, oui

Pronunciation: baa-wee

“Ben, oui” is one of the few ways to say “I agree” in French slang. And it’s a French phrase often said in Paris.

It’s a very informal expression that shouldn’t be used in situations where you need to be polite. While the exact translation is “well, yes,” it means “yes, obviously.”

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FAQs About Agreeing in French

What is the French verb for agree?

The French verb for agree is agréer.

How do you say I absolutely agree with you in French?

There are a few ways to say “I absolutely agree with you” in French. The most formal is, “Je suis absolument d’accord avec vous.” The informal version is, “Je suis absolument d’accord avec toi.”

Conclusion: I Agree in French

There are many ways to say to show that you agree with someone in French.

While some expressions like “Je donne mon approbation” may be more formal than others, they all can help you express agreement. The best way to use these phrases depends on the context of your conversation.

But I recommend starting with two-word formal ones. They are easy to remember and polite. Now, all that’s left to do is to practice.

Bonne chance!

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Jen Ciesielski
Jen Ciesielski

Jen Ciesielski is the creator of Dabbling in Jet Lag. Originally from the United States, she moved abroad in 2012 and has since made France her permanent home. After spending three years in Paris, immersing herself in the culture, language, and history, she relocated to Strasbourg in 2019. Jen has traveled extensively across France, uncovering its hidden gems and unique locales. Her journey culminated in 2024 when she was granted French citizenship, solidifying her expertise and commitment to sharing the beauty and intricacies of living and traveling in France.

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